
I have put together a collection of specially selected crystals to help support us When we are under the weather. A bit of crystal sunshine if you will.

Intuitively selection stones to raise your vibration and gently support you energetically.

Includes 8 beautiful + soothing crystals - Rose Quartz puffy heart, tumbled or raw Amethyst, Raw Citrine, Raw Tourmaline, Raw Quartz, Raw Celestite, Selenite wand and a puffy Amazonite polished heart, organza bag, crystal information card and an information sheet about your crystals.

*Optional add on eco friendly coconut wood bowl*

🌙AMAZONITE | Spiritual , Emotional + Physical Healing. This Feldspar Gemstone is a powerful filtering stone; blocking geopathic stress, absorbing electromagnetic pollution & supporting those who are oversensitive in general and to environmental pollutants. I find that I am continually drawn to Amazonite in times when I need a bit of support. Whether it be when I am doing public speaking, teaching a course or any time that I am among a group of people, I am calmed by Amazonite. I love my Mala made with Amazonite, I find the colours and the tactile feel of the stones soothing as well. Amazonite just seems to lessen the “noise” and make things clearer. Assists with health, emotional balance and allows you to see the other side of things more easily.

Affirmation |  "I am at peace in my body."

Zodiac | Virgo

Chakras | Heart Chakra , Throat Chakra*


 AMETHYST | Spiritual , Emotional + Physical Healing. This purple Quartz is a natural balancer, bringing calmness & clarity where there is anxiety & confusion. Provides a connection to the divine, enhances physic abilities and is useful for meditation. Soothing vibes promote inner peace and healing leading to a restful sleep. Helps heighten creativity, spirituality, grounding, courage & self esteem.

Affirmation |  "I am calm and peaceful in my body, mind and soul."

Zodiac | Aquarius

Chakras |Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra *


Celestite I Celestine / A calming crystal, acts like an energetic hug. Connection to celestial beings. A high vibration stone, may be useful for Angelic work. * Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra *

Citrine / An Energizing + Happy Stone. Aura cleansing, transmutes negativity. Centering and a fabulous stone for self esteem. A joyous stone, it is also a great tool for manifestation. Helps to manifest new opportunities & new perspectives. Helps to move your mind out of the past and into the now.* Solar Chakra*

Quartz. Brings calmness & clarity where there is anxiety & confusion. Provides a connection to the divine. Inner peace and healing. Helps heighten creativity, spirituality, grounding, courage & self esteem *Third Eye Chakra / Crown Chakra*

Rose Quartz / Love Stone/ It is the energetic hallmark of unconditional love and universal love. This may make rose quartz a stone for every type of love: self-love, family, platonic, and unconditional love. * Heart Chakra *

Selenite / has an iridescent glow like sheen that reminds me of the moon. Useful for cleansing your crystals- let then rest on it overnight. Selenite embodies goddess energy, allows us to more easily communicate with our higher selves as it has a high vibration.

Tourmaline / This Cyclosilicate is a powerful ally when your body is in need of detoxification. It helps to relieve stress, increase alertness, stimulate circulation, & boost the immune system. Black Tourmaline ( Schorl ) is a powerful protector against “ vampiric” and physic attacks. Helps to shield you from negative people and EMFs. A wonderfully powerful stone bursting with positive energy.Root / Base Chakra*

How do the crystals work? I think its vibrations & energy…
We are made of energy and energy creates vibration. If our Chakras are a little off kilter than perhaps if we match the vibrations of the stones to our Chakras, they may become more balanced.
I like to lie comfortably, perhaps play some soothing music, diffuse essential oils s and place a stone that pertains to that Chakra on that area of my body.
Relax. Meditate. Visualize. 
